Error 696 - Uploading a photo

If you see the message "Error 696 – Error validating the image" when you try to upload a photo to a listing or your agent profile, then one of the following is true.

To correct: Locate the file through Windows Explorer, right-click on the filename, and select “Rename.” Rename the file without using spaces or punctuation.

To correct: Resize or crop the photo with image editing software (such as Microsoft Office Picture Manager or Adobe Photoshop). Refer to your image editing software’s documentation if you need instructions.

To correct: Convert the photo with image editing software (such as Microsoft Office Picture Manager or Adobe Photoshop). Depending on your image editing software, this may be done using the Save As or Export feature. Refer to your image editing software’s documentation if you need instructions.

Correct your file, and then upload the photo again.

TIP: View the video tutorial entitled "Upload and Manage Pictures" on the Learning Center for a quick overview of this feature. The Learning Center can also be accessed directly from the Help menu.

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